10 Tips for Organizing a Bachelor Party

There is no doubt that being chosen as the best man is a huge honour, but it also comes with added responsibility. One of the most exciting pre-wedding duties is throwing the bachelor party but don’t be fooled, it can be one of the most logistically demanding things the average man will have to organize! The process can be quite stressful, so to help you out we’ve highlighted some quick tips to make sure things go smoothly.  

1. Who is invited? 

Your first job is to figure out which fine group of men will be joining on this debaucherous adventure. The common approach here is to check with the groom who he wants to come along and then send the invites from there. This allows them to make the decision and ensure no unwanted people attend. Although the father-in-law might insist he wants to join this has the potential to be a disaster… 

2. When and where? 

You know the groom better than most, so it is important to choose a destination that matches their personality and what things they like to do. Remember – this weekend is all about the groom so this is a good thing to always keep in mind. After you have the destination figured out, you need to choose a date that works for everyone. Although public holidays are a good shout due to people having a long weekend, these can also conflict with other commitments or vacation plans. Be sure to check with everyone first and try and get this agreed upon a few months in advance! 

3. Plan in advance 

“By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail”. Rumour has it that Benjamin Franklin muttered these important words in the 18th century while planning a bachelor party, knowing the importance of not leaving things to the last minute.  

On a serious note, this is very important, as a fun weekend can quickly turn into a shambles if there is no plan in place and a go-with-the-flow-attitude is adopted. With large group numbers involved, you will find you will spend more time trying to figure out where to go and what to do with no real direction. Not every minute of the weekend needs to be figured out, but we recommend at least a skeleton plan is in place to keep the momentum going.   

4. Keep costs in mind 

It is inevitable that everyone invited will have a different budget and amount they are willing to cough up for a weekend of fun. Yes, you want it to be epic but you can’t expect everyone to max their credit cards, so it is always best to get feedback on what people can afford so that the whole crew are on the same wavelength.  

5. Activities 

Every good bachelor party is organized around one or two main activities and the options are endless, but what is crucial is that you book something that suits all tastes. You have the timeless classics such as paintball, go-karting, and brewery tours which are very popular with bachelor parties, or you could do something a bit different such as a party boat or ziplining. If you are struggling for ideas, you can check out our list of activities to see what’s available.  

6. Logistics 

Getting everyone from A to B over the course of the weekend takes a considerable amount of effort, especially after a few beers are thrown into the mix! Consider pre-planning and booking transport in advance to take away this headache over the weekend. For example, a minibus will likely work out around the same cost as multiple taxis or Ubers and it’s far more convenient.   

7. Collecting money 

Without a doubt, this is always a huge hassle for the organizer, especially if you have buddies who are known for trying to get out of paying their fair share (we all know these guys). Make sure you get money from everyone attending in advance to make sure you don’t end up out of pocket. Alternatively, some bachelor party companies will take this stress away from you and charge everyone individually which can save you from chasing everyone up.  

8. Keep it a secret 

Although sometimes the groom is very involved in the planning of their bachelor party, we feel it is far more fun if they know none of the details. If you decide to keep it a secret make sure everyone else is on board not to ruin the surprise. This allows for anticipation to build in the weeks and months leading up to the big weekend and keeps the groom second-guessing what they will be doing! 

9. Costumes 

This should almost be non-negotiable! Although they could just wear normal clothes this is boring so we would always advocate for an unfortunate outfit for the groom and this is a sure way to make the weekend more memorable. It doesn’t have to be anything too outrageous, but something that makes them feel slightly awkward and uncomfortable will do the job.  

10. Get Wolfpack Weekends to do the leg work for you! 

If you are thinking of organizing a bachelor party weekend in Vancouver or Whistler and want a stress-free experience, then get in touch today. We will take away the hassle for you and help plan a memorable weekend. Send us an enquiry today and receive a free quote.   



Why and How Bachelor Parties Became a Tradition